Friday, November 9, 2012

Blog # 5b: Science Fair Proposal

1. Criminal Investigation 

2. Proper interrogation methods are necessary to solve cases. Inadequate interrogation methods will result in inadequate information. 

" In every criminal investigation process, interviewing and interrogation are the most important means to obtain needed information about a crime. Both require a combination of art and skill that must be cultivated and practiced. Not all people who possess information needed by the investigator are willing to share it. This is true in both interviews and interrogation...The successful interviewer/interrogator must fully understand the techniques of interviewing and interrogation and have the ability to evaluate the psychological reasons why people are willing or reluctant to impart information."

Swanson, Charles R., Neil C. Chamelin, and Leonard Territo. "Chapter Overview."Criminal InvestigationĂ‚ |Ă‚ . McGraw Hill, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013.

3. If police stations employ the Reid technique in their interrogation process, then those cities will show higher conviction rates. 

4. I want to research the conviction rates of at least 22 cities, then call the police stations of those cities and compare if the cities with the higher conviction rates use the Reid technique. I will use graphs to (hopefully) show that the Reid technique improves conviction rates. 

5. Behavioral/Social Science

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