Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog #21: Independent Component 2

(a) I, Gawen Grunloh, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) The ALEKs website, with the various assessments and practice problems that were explained to me, were my best teaching and learning source for this component. 
(c) Log of my time spent on ALEKs. 
(d) I completed 30 hours of course work on the ALEKs course for Statistics of Behavioral Science, which is outlined here

I have screenshot of different intervals of myPie progress as well as the attendance report for the course work. My initial assessment was at 18%, my first checkpoint assessment showed that my acquired  knowledge had doubled to 36%, and my second assessment showed an increase to 44%. I consider all of this good considering that I learned all of the material from ALEKs as I went along. 

My Pie chart when I first began the Behavioral Science course. 

My Pie chart at 15 hours, about halfway through my work. 
My Pie chart when I completed the 30 hours. 

My total time spent each day as well as each topic mastered.
My progressed on the assessments in between topic lessons. 
This list shows the total amount of hours I spent on Aleks  as well as the topics that I mastered in that time. 

The course work at ALEKs helped me to understand how statistics work and how to best interpret statistical reports. Probability in populations is a large part of understanding crimes that could be committed within a certain community. Furthermore, this course work gave me a head start on understanding the work that I want to major in while in college; Political Science.